Reiki (Usui Traditional) - Level 1

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle, loving, yet simple and powerful HEALING TECHNIQUE that relaxes the body and brings it back into BALANCE & HARMONY for healing to take place.

Reiki means ‘UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY’. This pure energy which is a part of all living things, is directed through ‘laying on of hands’, which can bring about profound healing benefits on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual basis.

“I like to call giving and receiving Reiki, unconditional love in motion.”

It’s through the channeling of this energy, that blockages can be removed that have caused dis-ease in the body or imbalances in the aura. When these blockages are removed, the cells of the body are prompted to heal naturally. This is the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

“Once you are attuned to Reiki, your life will never be the same again!”

Reiki is a safe, natural and unobtrusive form of spiritual healing that anyone can use and it can be used in conjunction with other healing modalities. It’s even safe enough to be used in conjunction with allopathic forms of treatment such as pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.

Once you have been gifted with the Reiki attunements, you are gifted for life, as it never wears off. A life-time of Reiki means you have the opportunity to self-heal at any time, and if you so choose, treat others as well.

The Five Reiki Principles Were Based On The Below Quote

“Just for today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, I will let go of worry. Today, I will count my many blessings. Today, I will do my work honestly. Today, I will be kind to every living creature.

~ Mikao Usui ~

Reiki Level 1 Training

USUI TRADITIONAL REIKI LEVEL 1 is the first of three levels of Reiki training and is the pre-requisite to Reiki Level 2. During this training, you will receive TWO ATTUNEMENTS to initiate you to the Reiki energy, opening your CROWN, THROAT, HEART and PALM chakras.

Everyone’s experience of the Reiki attunement process is as unique as the individual who is receiving them. The attunements can not only initiate the recipient to REIKI ENERGY for healing purposes, but can also assist in increased CREATIVITY and open their INTUITIVE SENSITIVITIES to bring about a greater awareness of their purpose and how to follow their life’s path with clarity. SPIRITUAL AWARENESS & GROWTH can also be a bi-product of this process.

“My life has never been the same since I embarked on my Reiki training in 2001. It brought about major positive shifts in my life. I can only say since taking this path, my spiritual awareness and growth has taken the express train.”

Reiki Level 1 is offered as a ONE-DAY THEORY and PRACTICAL workshop, where you will learn this powerful natural healing method for SELF-HEALING and to HEAL OTHERS.

Jenny only takes up to 4 PEOPLE at a time for this training, so more attention can be given to each attendee.

What Does This One Day Training Cover?

  • History of Reiki
  • What Reiki is
  • Breathing and breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • The attunement process
  • Two attunements
  • Chakras, the human aura and diagrams of the physical body
  • Metaphysical causes of disease
  • Symbols
  • Self-healing treatment
  • Healing others

You will receive a comprehensive manual and a Reiki Level 1 Certificate on completion.

“I can still remember how I felt the day of my Reiki training back in 2001. I could feel the unconditional love, like never before. Out of all the workshops I’ve completed over the years, this was by far the most special day.”

Next Course Date

Date:  *Saturday, 11th February 2022

Time:  9:00am – 5:30pm

Location:  Miami, Gold Coast (exact address given on registration)

Price:  $250

This workshop includes FULL TUITION, 2 ATTUNEMENTS, COMPREHENSIVE MANUAL, CERTIFICATE and gluten free MORNING & AFTERNOON tea. Bring your own lunch or choose from cafe’s and take-away facilities within 2km’s.

Plenty of parking is available at the location of training.

Please register below. $50 DEPOSIT secures your place and can be made through the Shop. 

*Please note: If the above date does not suit you, Jenny is happy to do one-on-one personal Reiki training for a small extra charge, at a time that’s more suitable to you. Contact us for details.