Metaphysical Courses

Courses Delivered from the Heart

At The Inspired Oracle, we focus on delivering HEART-INSPIRED Metaphysical Courses that assist in SPIRITUAL & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALING, INTUITION and DIVINATION.

Half of spiritual growth is learning what we don’t know. The other half is unlearning what we do know.”

~ Mark Batterson ~

The love Jenny pours into all she does to assist people on their spiritual journey is clearly evident, but couldn’t be more so when it comes to TEACHING. Passing on her knowledge and wisdom is one of her greatest passions. Over the past 20 years, Jenny has participated in many development workshops, healing courses, read plenty of self-help, health & healing books, and has experienced more than her share of life’s challenges and learned how to overcome them, to be a wealth of knowledge.

Check out the courses we offer below.

We hope to offer MORE COURSES in the future, so stay tuned.

Reiki - 1st Level

Certified training of first level in hands-on energy healing. This is the pre-requisite to Reiki Level 2.

Reiki - 2nd Level

Certified training of second level in hands-on energy healing. Reiki Level 1 is the pre-requisite to Reiki Level 2.

Reiki/Seichim Level 3 - Master Teacher

For expressions of interest to complete Reiki training as a Reiki Master Teacher, please contact us. Reiki Levels 1 & 2 are pre-requisites.