Intuitive Soul Guidance

Spiritual Guidance for Your Life Direction & Everyday Problems

Everyone was incarnated on Earth with certain CHALLENGES to overcome and GIFTS to share. The key is to understand what’s actually blocking you from living the life of your DREAMS.

Whether you’re struggling with a relationship, searching for love, unsure of your career, life path, or have questions about study, business, finances, or health, Jenny can assist you in finding the key that’s preventing you from creating what you desire.

Jenny is an EMPATH; someone who feels or senses other people’s emotions, feelings and pain. She also has the gift of CLAIRSENTIENCE (one who receives gut instincts, or senses/feels the energy around a situation or person) and CLAIRVOYANCE (one who sees subtle energy of people, places and situations).

Jenny has the ability to tap into what is going on in your life, how you are feeling and give guidance as to what your SOUL is really seeking and the best course of action for your everyday problems.

Jenny has many years’ LIFE EXPERIENCE through the various challenges life has presented her as a HIGHLY SENSITIVE SOUL. This has given her a great deal of wisdom and a wealth of knowledge to draw upon to assist her clients.

“I like to call my sessions, ‘Intuitive Soul Guidance’. I don’t see myself as a psychic who foretells the future, because the future can change. Yes, I may see something in the future for you based on what is currently happening in your life and the decisions you are making, but unless it’s something that’s part of your absolute destiny, then situations can change due to your FREE WILL, those you interact with or could potentially interact with.”

“What I prefer to do is tune into your energy, or discuss what is happening now in your life and guide you in the direction that’s best for your highest good. This can include bringing awareness to the blockages, self-sabotaging patterns or limited beliefs you have and ultimately need to work through in order to create what you desire. Anything else, such as telling you what you want to hear, or what may happen in the future, only DISEMPOWERS you. And I LOVE YOU too much to do that. I’d rather EMPOWER you to make your own decisions, based on the information I receive from Spirit, your soul and my higher self through life experiences. You are after all, the CO-CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE.”

“Life is not about who you once were, it is about who you are right now, and the person you have the potential to be.”

~ Author Unknown ~

Jenny’s Intuitive Soul Guidance sessions are HEARTFELT, HONEST AND TO-THE-POINT. Jenny does not give her clients a lot of fluffy padding, but she will give direct, honest insight and guidance in a sensitive manner. Jenny always leaves her clients feeling HOPEFUL FOR THE FUTURE, empowering them with the knowledge that they can direct their own life with just a little outside guidance when they’re feeling stuck or unsure. We all have moments when we just need a little confirmation to know we’re on the right track.

Jenny may also use DIVINATION TOOLS such as oracle cards, tarot and a pendulum in these sessions.

See Session Details and Prices Below ↓

What an amazing reading. I feel so connected with every word that is there. I’m sure the future ahead will bring me some new perspective and hope of what I’m actually living in my present life. Thank you again.

Marlin (California, USA)

Thankyou for a magical & insightful morning Jenny. I now feel confident to harness the self doubt that surrounds my path & use the energy to move forward. I am blessed to have crossed paths with you.

Genjan (Gold Coast, Australia)

Intuitive Soul Guidance Services

Jenny is accessible in helping you, no matter where you live in the world. She can deliver her services through Email, Facebook Messenger Video/Voice Call, or Google Meet, and also by phone in Australia.

Jenny offers THREE MAIN OPTIONS for receiving guidance.


Intuitive Soul Guidance on your Specific Questions

If you are looking for intuitive advice or guidance on your questions, then this may be all you need to put your mind at ease. For the best advice and guidance, specific questions work best.

Simply use the Service Booking Form at  the bottom of this website to send your questions, and we will confirm and send a link for payment.

Once payment is made, you will receive detailed written intuitive advice/guidance per question, within 10 days.

AUD$37.00 – per question

For your convenience, here is a CURRENCY CONVERTER for your country’s currency.


Intuitive Soul Guidance/Consulting on a Particular Topic

Do you have some burning questions, on a particular topic and you’re feeling undecided or confused as to what you’re intuition is guiding you to do or what the truth of the matter is? Allow Jenny to be the medium between your thoughts and feelings, by tuning into your energy, soul and spirit guides for the best intuitive advice and solutions, so you can make an informed decision that is soul-driven.

Here’s a guide to possible topics and questions:

LOVE: I’m searching for love. Why am I finding it so difficult to find a romantic partner? What do I need to change to attract a romantic partner? Why do I keep meeting people who are not interested in committing?

RELATIONSHIP: I’m thinking of ending my marriage. Has our soul contract finished and therefore it’s time to move on? Is there anything I can do to save my marriage? Will my partner change to save our marriage?

CAREER: I”m not happy with my job in (fill in the blank). Will I be happy somewhere else in the same field? Is it time for a career change? What does my soul really want to do?

BUSINESS: I want my business in (fill in the blank) to be more successful. Why am I struggling to get clients/customers? How can I expand my business? Is there anything I need to change within myself that is self-sabotaging my success.

HOUSE: I’m thinking of buying a new house, the address is (fill in the blank). Is there anything wrong with the house? What are the neighbours like? Will I be happy in this location?

Jenny spends plenty of time using different methods such as spirit communication, gut feeling, oracle cards and pendulum dowsing to intuit the most accurate truths and advice.

Delivered to you in detail, via email in PDF format.

Turnaround up to 10 days.

Up to 3 questions on one topic – AUD$90.00

Simply fill out the Service Booking Form including your questions and once confirmed, we will send you the payment link.

For your convenience, here is a CURRENCY CONVERTER for your country’s currency


Intuitive Soul Guidance/Consulting Sessions

Spiritual Guidance and Consulting on any questions you have to do with your life direction, relationships, career, business, home, health etc. 30 – 40 minutes per session

(Facebook Messenger Video/Voice Call, or Google Meet, and also by phone in Australia.) – AUD$70.00

For your convenience, here is a CURRENCY CONVERTER for your country’s currency.


The INFORMATION ABOVE under the heading: “Spiritual Guidance for Your Life Direction and Everyday Problems” on how Jenny conducts her sessions and the DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY statement BELOW before proceeding with your booking. We also advise reading the Terms of Use, paying particular attention to Terms of Service, before booking.

Disclaimer and Limitations of Liability

As a citizen of Australia, it is our legal right to declare the following:

  1. Guidance, consulting, questions answered and intuitive advice given in respect to Intuitive Soul Guidance is for entertainment purposes only.
  2. Users must be 18 years or older.
  3. Jenny is not a medical practitioner or professional healthcare provider. Any insight Jenny receives or advice she gives that is health or illness related should be followed up by a medical practitioner or qualified health care provider who is trained in such matters.
  4. Jenny and any associates are not responsible or liable for your decisions or choices made based on the information provided or any advice given. We recommend you seek professional advice before making life-changing decisions from those who are qualified in their specific field. This applies to such things as legal matters, career, finances, relationships and health, including medical procedures, diet, supplements and nutrition.
  5. Jenny and any associates do not take responsibility for any actions you take based on the guidance or intuitive consulting advice given.

If you agree to the above Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Statement, please feel free to use the link below to book. When you’re ready, payments can be made through the Shop.

The 10 day turnaround (Option 1 & 2) begins once payment is made and confirmation of your booking is sent to you by email. We will always endeavour to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Thank you Jenny! You have great insight? You are so spot on! And yes, I thank you for saying I have more healing to do and I’m still heartbroken. When I read that I thought that is a perfect description. I have been thinking a lot about herbs too!

Maggie (USA)

Thank you Jenny for your wonderfully insightful & accurate reading. Just what I needed to get me back on track. You have a beautiful gift. Highly recommended!!!

Diane (Sunshine Coast, Australia)

Jenny and her messages are amazing! She has the most amazing healing qualities! Love her and what she does. Now I’ve just received a reading from this amazing woman, and it’s like she is sitting here seeing my life as I see it, and the hills I am trying to climb! We are long-time friends but this is stuff I don’t share! I’m a Capricorn! Give me a break! But Jenny hit the nail on the head! Every time!! Every single time!!! Blown away! Now I can try steer my life my way!! Blessings beautiful healer, many blessings.

Linda (Melbourne, Australia)

I had an email reading with Jenny as I have had a few questions needing some guidance. Jenny’s reading was highly correct and also beautifully presented. She answered my 3 questions in great depth as well. I can highly recommend having a reading with this very intuitive lady! 

Elizabeth (Tasmania, Australia)