Sound Healing Immersions with Light Language

Sound is the Medicine of the Future!

Edgar Cayce

Hindus believe ‘Om’ embodies the essence of the entire universe – the original sound of the universe.

In fact, everything of this universe emits a VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, either heard or unheard by our physical ears. That includes our bodies, organs, cells, etc. When we have disease in the body or pain, the frequency of the area of concern is no longer in harmony. But given the RIGHT KEY or vibrational frequency/sound, our bodies can be brought back into harmony for healing to occur. Medical science is now proving this to be the case as studies show carefully tuned sound waves can kill cancer cells.

For eons of years, ancient cultures have been using sound for healing purposes, which began with our voices through soothing tones, song, and then progressed to instruments such as the didgeridoo, Tibetan singing bowls, Native American medicine drum and so on. Even Edgar Cayce once said, “Sound is the medicine of the future.” And now western cultures are more readily adopting the practices of the ancients to cultivate healing through sound.

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiological functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”

~ Dr. Mitchell Gaynor ~

Sound therapy can help clear energetic blockages to promote healing on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Some benefits of sound therapy can include:

  • Deep relaxation for a sense of calm and peace
  • Lowering stress levels
  • Evening out mood swings
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Improved sleep
  • Pain relief

“Jenny is the one who sings,

Light sound waves like angel wings,

She beats her drum to heal your soul,

Love her music, want to hear it more.”

~ Tamara (Spiritualist Church performance attendee) ~

I was so blessed to enjoy the most divine sound healing from Jenny.. she not only uses her bowls & drum but has the most amazing soul light language singing, the voice of an angel.

Trudy (Gold Coast, Australia)

What Will I Experience?

At these events, you can experience a relaxing sound healing immersion, with an angelic, shamanic edge.

Each immersion is different, as they are intuitively performed, taking you into an alpha and sometimes theta brainwave, where healing and manifestation resides.

The healing vibrations of sound at these events include:

  • the angelic vocals of Jenny’s channeled LANGUAGE OF LIGHT, bringing through love and light for healing on a cellular level and activating DNA for spiritual awakening
  • the sweet melodic tones of the TIBETAN & CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS, to relax and balance the chakras for healing to take place
  • the rhythmic beat of the MEDICINE DRUM, which can take you into a trance state to connect with your spirit guides and higher self and at the same time ground you
  • other PERCUSSION instruments

What to Expect at These Immersions

  • SETTING YOUR INTENTION for what you wish to experience and manifest
  • SOUND HEALING IMMERSION with medicine drum, Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, Jenny’s singing, toning and speaking of Light Language, and other percussion instruments
  • DISCUSSION on sound healing immersion experience

Your Facilitator

Jenny, the creator of The Inspired Oracle, a down-to-earth woman with a big heart, has been nurturing, encouraging, supporting, inspiring, guiding and teaching people through daily dedication to The Inspired Oracle Facebook page, meditation classes and workshops for women since 2008. As a qualified, practicing energy healer since 2001, Jenny brings her love of healing and assisting people on their healing journey into all her events. Most of Jenny’s teachings are based on her own journey within, healing of mind, body, and soul and personal experience in re-learning and applying the spiritual laws.

What to Bring

  • Yoga mat, blanket, cushion or whatever else makes you comfortable. Seating will also be available for those who are not floor dwellers.
  • Note book for any insights during the immersion
  • A bottle of water to stay hydrated

What Else You Need to Know

  • This event is open to men and women and children aged 13 and over
  • Only limited seats and floor space is available so it’s best to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment
  • Because of the size of the venue, we cannot guarantee you can lie down on the floor. First in, best dressed.
  • The room has split system air conditioning for your comfort
  • Please do not wear strong perfumes, scents or lotions, as those who are sensitive can be affected, negatively
  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to get yourself registered and settled
  • Doors open 6:45pm for a 7:15pm start
  • Payment can be made by cash at the door or through Paypal at the Shop.

If you have any further queries, we’re only too happy to assist you.

The Next Sound Healing Immersion

Date:  T.B.A.

Time:  7:15pm

Where:  Miami, Gold Coast (exact location given on registration)

Price:  $20

Theme:  T.B.A.

Jenny is a great technician in the art of healing and the use of the drums, singing bowls and singing. You’d be blessed to experience her wonderful resonance as so few get the chance to embrace Jenny – The Singing Healer’s expertise. I had a great result from Jenny’s healing and found that it was so natural and warm and could only come from the heart.

Sandra Kaye, Anahata Sanctuary (Vanuatu)