Events & Workshops For Your Well-Being

All You Need to Keep the Balance

We all know how difficult it can be to keep the BALANCE in life. Many of us put in so many hours working, not to mention the never ending domestic and yard chores, leaving little time for the self, friends and family play time.

As spiritual beings with a body, mind and emotional body, to keep the balance we really need to dedicate time for HEALING, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, MASTERING THE MIND, SLEEP, EXERCISE, PLAYTIME and RELAXATION. It can be a juggling act to fit everything in, but it’s also very important for WELLNESS, HAPPINESS and PEACE OF MIND.

“For everyone, well-being is a journey. The secret is committing to that journey and taking those first steps with hope and belief in yourself.”

~ Deepak Chopra ~

All events and workshops at The Inspired Oracle, aim to focus on promoting BALANCE, RELAXATION, HEALING, INNER PEACE, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, AWAKENING and achieving HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS through MEDITATION & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT classes, SOUND HEALING immersions, LIGHT ACTIVATION and ALIGNMENT with the MOON cycles.

Meditation & Psychic Development

Classes that assist in mastering the monkey mind, and intuition.

Sound Healing Immersions with Light Language

Group sound healings with an angelic shamanic edge.

The Sacred Woman Playshop

Mini workshops for women designed to heal & nurture the inner self.